Wednesday, May 18, 2011

4/19--Paul Coleman Trio

One nice thing about being at a larger church with a decent-sized meeting space is that you draw attention of people looking for venues.

Hope Valley was fortunate enough to have The Paul Coleman Trio, a contemporary Christian music act, contract to use the hall for one of their shows. This was great for the church. To have a big name come in and fill out the place could bring a lot of awareness from the community.

This is exactly what happened! The house was packed for the concert. As the host church, myself and a bunch of other volunteers were busy preparing concessions and helping with anything else that needed attention. Of course, it also meant that I received free entry to the gig. The concert was quite good. I was really impressed with their live show. They were funny, engaging, and just a real top notch group of musicians. If you have not heard of this band, they are worth a look. I am familiar with a bit of their stuff and have a few albums of theirs from way back. They made a fairly big wave in the Christian music scene not too long ago. So it was neat to see them live.

The show went well and Hope Valley was given mad props by the band for being an excellent venue. Kudos to us, eh?

The lead singer really took a liking to me. We had opportunity to talk during the day as they were setting up for the show. I really respect him. He has a heart for the gospel and sees that gospel is spread in his every interaction and not just when he is on a stage. I found him very inspiring in many ways. Plus, he gave me a free signed CD after the show for being a "poor, missionary." That counts for something in my book!

Check them out at the following:

In Christ,



  1. Wow. Blast from the past. I have their first couple of CDs-- but I haven't listened to them in a while-- and yes, I think they are pretty good (I liked the first CD the best). :)

  2. Yeah. They split up for bit, but they were doing a reunion tour to highlight a new album of theirs. I agree. Their first CD was the winner. And they also did a pretty awesome cover of a VeggieTales song.
