So I told you I would blog as soon as I made it down to the city! Up until Monday last, I had spent most all of my time in the northern suburbs of Adelaide. Monday, however, someone was able to drop me off in the city for a bit of exploring. I only got a few hours, but I really enjoyed myself. The Adelaide city center is really unique, as it blends fairly seamlessly the old Victorian city with newer modernization. Many cities tend to just have an old and a new quarter, distinct and separate. Adelaide blends it all together quite beautifully. Moreover, Adelaide is designed in a classic grid model, so it is relatively easy to navigate. I really like it.
My day included a few notable stops, but mostly just exploring. One stop was the free Art Museum. This was a pretty good museum as far as museums go, but plagued a bit too much by modern art. They were showcasing the sketches of Goya, however, and that made me happy. Dr. Stewart would also be pleased on that account. They were also showcasing this horrid modern piece of motion art crap called the Feast of Trilmalhio. I think there are youtube videos of this online. Type it in and see. It is like a painting with motion (sort of like a movie) which tells a story. Weird. I was not impressed
I stopped into the State Library and got in good with the head archivist so I might be able to do some research there in the next few months. They have a bunch of stuff I could use. I am such a nerd! First time into the city and I go scope out archives!
After this I hung out at the Rundall mall, a huge outdoor mall. This used to be a city street but then was blocked off and converted into a huge, bustling street of shops. Very cool actually. Although everything in Australia is outrageously priced, it is fun to see the opulent stores. I saw one shop selling two pairs of jeans for $300 dollars! But they have nice fashion here in Australia (not that I am an authority on fashion). I like a lot of the stuff I saw. The mall is also famous for these two metallic spheres, one stacked on top of the other. They are called the "Mall's balls" and are quite the sight. Haha.
That was about it for my first foray into the city. I am sure many more will come!
In Christ,
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