On Sunday last, after the two morning services, Jon and Katie wanted to go to the Food and Wine festival (part of the huge Fringe festival). This was a lovely way to spend the afternoon, actually. Basically, they shut down a huge city street and set up the festival up and down it. There were tons of booths selling glasses of wine (of which I did not partake--though it seemed appropriate at a Wine festival that I take a picture with an empty wine glass) and a ton more selling food (of which I did partake). Jon and Katie bought us Salt in Pepper Squid--which I had never had. It was really good actually, like a chewy chicken nugget ;-). I like Seafood a lot and don't often get it in the states. I am eager to try all I can get here.
The coolest part of the festival were the live bands. At several points along the road they had stages set up and the bands, for the most part were pretty good. One was absolutely outstanding. Two bands stuck out to me. The first, Georgia Germein, was an all girl band with a wonderful lead singer with a gorgeous voice. Check her out: http://www.myspace.com/georgiagermein . The second band was a sweet blues/soul/jazz/fusion band called Mr. Goodnight. They were unbelievable. One of the tightest, most technical bands I have ever heard (which makes sense, as most all the members are conservatory trained musicians). Check them out: http://www.mrgoodnight.net/site/
Other than the music, there were also cooking demonstrations and little things like that. I enjoyed the afternoon. Then we went to evening church.
Speaking of church, this past week I was officially introduced to all three services as a new intern, helping out wherever possible. I was happy with how this went (they interviewed me on stage and I had opportunity to explain parts of my testimony) and how warmly I was received. The Church here is just superb. I miss Hillsdale Free Methodist a lot, but I am glad for an inviting church family here, eager to take me under their wing and help me discern some things.
In Christ,
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