Australia--if the sharks don't kill you, the rest of the wildlife will. Pretty much every snake in Australia is VERY venomous (in Michigan there is only one). Plenty of the spiders are also pretty nasty. Unlike Michigan, however, where the infamous Black Widow and Brown Recluse are rarely seen, the venomous varieties of Australia seem to be around every corner! Haha...it certainly makes me check my clothes and shoes every morning ;-).
I hate spiders. Anybody that has seen me around them knows this very well. I inherited my Dad's phobia and it has always plagued me. South Australia is known for a few pretty nasty one. The first, the Huntsman is just nasty looking. It has no venom and doesn't harm people, but it can jump and grow to some obscene proportions. Ugh....I saw my first huntsman the other day on the back door of my house. Jon tells me it was a young one and nowhere near full size--which begs the question: where is mom and dad? Still, it was one of the largest spiders

I have ever seen in the flesh! I would estimate 3 1/2 inches from one leg to leg. I snapped a picture...and jumped very high when it started to move. I am glad it did move though because it wandered down into the corner of the floor and brought us face to face with an infamous "Red Back." Two scary spiders + one location = Get me out of this country! The Red Back is Australia's equivalent to the Black Widow from what I can tell--it is looks the same, with a distinctive red spot on its abdomen and is very venomous. A bite could easily kill you if not treated rather quickly. The one in the corner was about the size of your big toe nail. But I stemmed my nerves and took a picture of both posing quite nicely. Then we killed them :-). Yes!

Just a few days later, and around the spot I ran across another, much bigger Red Back. This one was probably 1 1/2 inches from leg to leg. Maybe a bit more? I snapped another picture and killed it with my flip-flops. I felt rather satisfied with myself. I may grow out of my phobia a bit, but I doubt I will ever appreciate the site of these nasty critters. Ugh...the thought of them sends shivers down my spine.
In Christ,
Tumnus, I don't think any less of you for being scared of Spiders. I'm right there with you. BTW, (pertaining to your other entry picture) I don't think I've Ever seen you with BOTH a clean shaven face and a Decent hair cut. It's kind of weird. I'm glad you're having a good time and that the Lord has blessed you with a solid faith base to "Discern things". << Also something I've been doing too. Good luck and don't get turned into Spider food. God Bless!