Wednesday, May 18, 2011

4/17--Another busy Sunday

Sunday, April 17th, like the last week, was very busy for me.

It started off again with my having to be at church early to rehearse for another choir performance that day. We were scheduled to sing again for the 9:00 service. Generally the choir only sings every couple of weeks, but I happened to join their ranks at a very busy time. The rehearsal and the performance went very well. We sang a number of short hymns having to do with Palm Sunday and the audience seemed to really enjoy them. I love singing and I finally felt comfortable enough in the group this time around to put down my music and just sing how I knew it. It was good!

For the 10:30 service, I was again to play a large role in the children's church. Dave, the children's pastor, had taken the week and the next two to follow for vacation. The Easter holiday, you see, coincides with a big school holiday in Australia. Their schools work on the quarter system and so they get a couple of smaller breaks between each quarter. Dave wanted to take his kids up to the Gold Coast to see his family for the vacation. Myself and a couple of others volunteered to lead the children's church for the three weeks he was out. I took the first and the third Sunday. Somebody else took Easter Sunday.

So I had to run the kids church for the day. Because of the holidays, a lot of the staff were missing. Basically, we were running program with just a few of us on hand. So I spoke to the whole group of kids for about 10-15 minutes about how to honor God as King, just as they did on Palm Sunday. The message was good. Then I spoke a bit about how to make God the King of your life. Eventually I broke the kids into two groups. One leader took the older kids and I took the younger ones. In my smaller group we took turns talking about what it meant for Jesus to be King and then we colored on a big sheet of paper something that represented Jesus as king! Yay for coloring! All in all, kids church went very well.

Later in the afternoon I went to help lead a life group of some of the early-career and uni boys. Daniel Stump, whom I spoke of before on this blog, is the leader of that group and I had promised to help him as much as possible. So I went to the life group and ended up helping a little with his study on Hebrews 11. Afterwards though, they had a ton of questions to ask me about the Scriptures. I really had to pull upon all my religion classes for some of these ones! The questions ranged from, "Where are dinosaurs in the Bible?" to "The extent to which we must follow earthly laws." These guys were legitimately curious about a lot of Scripture and I was happy to help provide some answers and point them in some directions to find their own. So this was a really positive time. They told me they are all writing more questions for me at some point. I am nervous!

My responsibilities for the day were done after this. Evening church was good. Bed was better :-).

In Christ,


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